Even after visiting this lively place for several sevaral times, I am unsatisfied, there is always some new thing to see, some new photograph to be taken, there is some new thing to be enjoyed, and well last but not the least some new shopping to be done :-)
The moment one gets off the Citirail train at Circular Queue station located in the heart of the Sydney CBD, the wind from Opera House can be felt, fresh breeze with lots of wharfs around waiting for the cruises and ferries to depart or arrive, make the walk to Opera House a refreshing start. In about 10 minutes you reach the world famous Opera House, an architectural masterpiece and home for world famous performing arts. You see it at different times of the day, you get different perspectives of this beautiful work.
The photograph I have displayed in this blog, is one of the vintage or classic style colored and yes, it is just one view of the lotus leaves that make Opera House, THE Opera House.