Check this beautiful etsy treasury (guest curated online gallery) which is based on beautiful theme- "Stand Up": My Stand up meeting photograph work is selected out here amongst all other nice works which are based on the same concept. "NanaLoo", from etsy has put this up. Thanks to her. Coming to think of it, isn't it really true every day we get to face situations that demand we standing up for , voicing out for something we believe in, something we care for, something we want to save or something we want to make work?
In the Stand up meeting photo art from my shop, I tried emphasize the importance of saving time spent otherwise in endless unresourceful meetings at times, the same time can be sa

ved through concept of daily "Stand up meetings" I have myself practised when it suited most. In here, the team exchanges quick status updates, issues if any and next steps/plans for the day. The very act of standing up makes team members think they need to finish precisely on time or in time and avoid spending time on un-required items or un-important items. Think about time saved together with this, in corporate status meetings? Perhaps same can be used for building huge next gen innovation. Just some thoughts. Now let us sit down and start off where we paused :-)